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Phrasal Verbs

Deyim fiilleri :Bu konuda verdiğimiz örneklerde henüz işlemediğimiz bazı kelime ve kullanımlara da rastlayabilirsiniz. Bunları en kolay şekilde sunmaya özen gösterdik. Böylece ileriki konular için de ön hazırlık olacaktır. Mümkün olduğunca tercümelere bakmadan anlamaya çalışın...

İngilizce 'de bazı fiillere çeşitli kelimecikler eklenerek, yeni anlamlar kazandırılmıştır. Dilbilgisinde bu öbeklere "phrasal verbs" denir. Genellikle verb + preposition olarak iki kelimeden oluşurlar.



Bazı durumlarda, bilinen fiillere bilinen prepositionlar eklenir ve anlamı tahmin etmek çok kolay olur.
He looked outside and saw a kitten.
Please turn on the lights.




Bazı durumlarda ise yüklem-preposition ikilisi öbek deyim haline gelir ve anlamını tahmin etmek mümkün olmaz.
While the little boy's parents were out, his older sister looked after him.
He used to smoke. Later, he gave up smoking.




Kelime öbekleri : Cümle içinde kullanımda, bazen bu öbeğin arasına bir isim girebilir. Bazı phrasal verb'lerde ise, öbek arasına asla isim almaz, ikili her zaman beraber kullanılır.
Did you turn the lights on?





Genel kurallar olmadığı için bu kelime öbeklerini öğrenmenin tek yolu günlük hayatta kullanmaktır. Zaten kullanıldığını gördükçe, bir aşinalık ve kulak dolgunluğu kazanacağız.



Şimdi aşağıda cümle içinde kullandığımız bazı popüler phrasal verb'lerin anlamları tahmin etmeye çalışın...



blow up

That bomb can blow up a house!

break down

My car broke down on the road today.

break into

A burglar broke into my house last night! We woke up and chased him.

carry on (with)

Don't stop, you should carry on with studying.

come along

I am going to the cinema for a great movie! Why don't you come along with me.

come down with

He came down with flu. Now, he is taking flu medicine.

dress up

A 3 year-old child cannot dress himself up.

fall in love with

I think Joe is falling in love with Marry

get away

The criminals tried to get away, but the police caught them.

get along with

I can't get along with my brother. We always argue.

get over

John was sick last week. I think he got over it now.

get up

I get up at 6 am everyday.

give up

You should give up smoking if you want to live long.

grow up

The ugly duckling grew up to be a beautiful swan.

look after

While the little boy's parents were out, his older sister looked after him

look up

If you don't know the meaning of a word, you should look it up in a dictionary.

look forward to

I am looking forward to tonight's match. I think it will be very exciting.

make up

That little girl makes up a lot of stories. Her imagination is very busy.

put on

I put on a coat, because it was raining

put on

He has put on a lot of weight. He was just 80 kilos last year!

put out

The fire fighters tried to put out the fire as soon as possible.

run out of

My engine doesn't start. I think it ran out of petrol.

take off

Her plane took off at 6 am this morning.

take off

He took his coat off immediately. And hung it in the wardrobe.

turn down

You should turn down the radio. It is too loud.

turn off

When you are going out of the room, you should turn off the lights.

turn up

This song is very good. I want to turn up the volume of the radio.

sit down

I am very tired. I should sit down for a few minutes.

stand up

All students stand up when the teacher comes into the classroom.

switch off

You should switch the tv off too.

switch on

You can always switch it back on later.

wake up

The sound of the siren woke everybody up.

work on

I am working on an important project now. I'll finish it next week.



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