İngilizce Dersleri
Bu Proje Satılıktır. İletişim : [email protected]
Ders Konuları

supposed to, allowed to, be to

Rules for the exam:
You are supposed to bring your own pencil to the test.
You have to bring your own pencil.
You are not supposed to bring your own paper for the test.
You don't have to bring your own paper, but it is not forbidden.
You are allowed to use a pen instead of a pencil.
You can use a pen or pencil. You have the freedom to choose.
You are not allowed to talk during the test.
You musn't talk. It is forbidden to talk.




" Supposed to " ve " allowed to " tabirlerini bu şekilde kullanırız.


"Supposed to" bizden beklenen davranışları anlatmak için kullanılır. "should" ile benzerdir, benzer sertliktedir. Olumsuz kullanımda ise "shouldn't" dan daha yumuşak; sanki "don't have to" ifadesine yakın bir anlam kazandırır. İngilizce günlük konuşmalar içerisinde geçen tüm bu ifadelerin farklarını pratik yaparak daha iyi kavrayabiliriz.




"Allowed to" ise, "izinli olmak" manasındadır. Olumlu kullanımı kişiye izinli olduğunu bildirir. Kişi yapmakta veya yapmamakta özgürdür. Olumsuz kullanımı ise sert bir ifadedir; "mustn't" gibi bir yasak bildirir.


The kids are allowed to go out now. The kids may or may not go out now. They can choose to go, or they can choose to stay. In fact, they are encouraged to go too.


The kids are not allowed to go out now. The kids have to stay. They mustn't go. If they go, they would be in trouble.


The teacher gives a homework. Every student is supposed to do the homework. If they don't do it, they can not get a passing grade and face the consequences.


You are not supposed to study in summer holiday. You can study if you want to but noone asks you to study. Nobody says that you have to study.





İfadeleri sertlik sırasına göre şöylece sıralayabiliriz.
not allowed to > supposed to > not supposed to > allowed to




"Be to" must gibi bir mana verir. Hatta biraz daha kuvvetlidir. Kuvvetli beklenti veya emir verilmesi gibi durumlar söz konusu olduğu zaman kullanılır.
My boss ordered me to prepare some documents for the meeting.
I must prepare some documents for the meeting.
I am to prepare some documents for the meeting.




Bu ifadelerin must, have to gibi modallardan en büyük farkı, bir kişinin diğerinden beklentilerini ifade etmesidir.




Bu modalları mantığa uygun şekilde past veya future tenseler ile kullanabiliriz.

We were supposed to have a meeting today, but it was postponed.
The children will be allowed to play in the yard tomorrow.
Nobody except the police was allowed to get into the crime scene.
I was to visit our costumers so I was out of the office all yesterday.