İngilizce Dersleri
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Ders Konuları

Cümle İçinde Örnek Verme / Giving Example in a Sentence

There are a few very successful students in this class.

For example, Ahmet is chosen to represent our school in Maths Olympics this year.

Ahmet, for example, is chosen to represent our school in Maths Olympics this year.

Hem ingilizce yazı dilinde, hem de konuşma dilinde en sık kullanılan örnekleme ifadesi "for example" dır. Bazen "transition" (yani iki farklı bağımsız cümleyi sadece anlam olarak birbirine bağlayan bir sözcük) olarak, bazen de ikinci örnekte gösterdiğimiz gibi cümlelerin arasında virgüllerle ayrılarak kullanılabilir.




Diğer yaygın örnekleme tabirleri; "e.g." kısaltması, "for instance" ile "such as" öbekleridir. e.g. latince "exempli gratia" ifadesinin kısaltmasıdır. Genellikle noktaları ile beraber kullanıldığına rastlarız.

There are a number of French car manufacturers, e.g. Peugeot, Renault and Citroen.

German car manufacturers are known for their high quality. For instance Mercedes has always been a developer of leading technologies.

Some car manufacturers' logos are very well known, such as Prancing Horse of Ferrari or Raging Bull of Lamborghini.




Such as farklı şekillerde de kullanılabilir.

Some people such as actors, musicians and footballers are very famous.

People such as actors, musicians and footballers are very famous.

Such people as actors, musicians and footballers are very famous.




Size "The Simpsons" dizisinden unutulmaz bir alıntı...
Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such self-help videos as "Smoke Yourself Thin" and "Get Some Confidence, Stupid!"

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